


Price /day

Accommodation with English people/night

Adults (not available for covid)

110 €* (09:30 – 19:00h)

70 € **

Adolescents (not available for covid)

60 €* (10:00 – 18:00h)

70 € **

*The daily Price for the Immersion for adults and adolescents includes; coffee break, lunch, all necessary materials and the afternoon activity.

**A stay with an English family includes dinner and breakfast, at all times accompanied by the family.

Personalised programmes, extras, dinners, babysitting etc……. Contact us for more information.

And if you want to surprise someone with a really original present, we also have language vouchers!!  What a wonderful gift.  Have fun while learning  something really useful.  

Tlf: 958 793 704, 671 931 586
